Hope to see you all at the 'Music of Harry Potter' at the Fox Theatre in downtown Spokane, WA. With the Spokane Symphony Oc. 26-27th. I'll be there in 'Dragon Alley' along with 14 other vendors.

Anicurio #12 (Stag)© - Pencil Illustration
Anicurio #12 (Stag)© - Pencil Illustration

Anicurio #12 (Stag)© - Pencil Illustration

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During the golden era of silent films, there was one particular heartthrob who, for a while at least, became the most bankable star in Hollywood. He was, of course, Basil Rakehorne. 

With a striking blend of a magnificent stag's good looks and a model's dramatic allure, Rakehorne didn't just ascend the movie studio hierarchy; he charmed his way into the hearts of audiences, becoming a top-tier attraction. 

It was not uncommon that hordes of hysterical female does would soon congregate wherever his trailer appeared on a film lot. He was so popular, in fact, that he regularly graced the front cover of every celebrity magazine of the day.

Awards followed, and so did an Oscar for 'Best Male Lead' for his role in 'Stag-nation,' an epic tale of multigenerational families of deer who rose to conquer the rugged West of America.

All went well for Rakehorne until one fateful evening in May 1910. Following a pleasant meal at a popular Hollywood restaurant, Basil was blocked from leaving by a dozen rowdy photographers who appeared ahead of him. Tired, a little drunk, and not in a perfect mood, something inside him snapped. He leaned his head down, pointed his magnificent antlers towards the press, stroked his hoof on the ground, snorted, and charged. Cameras flew high and landed with a loud crash. The collective media scrambled in every direction. Ladies screamed, and men dropped their cigars from their open mouths into their drinks. 

Cameras captured him scooping up a shocked-looking photographer with his antlers, carrying him several feet, and depositing him in the punch bowl. Rakehorne appeared in every newspaper and magazine that next day. He made banner headlines such as 'Stag Night,' 'Oh Deer,' and 'Rakehorne Breakdown.' 

His agency attempted to mitigate the damage. He offered his apologies, naturally. But the once-impeccable gentleman was laid bare. The composed, enigmatic hero of the silent era was now nothing more than a brawling street tough in the eyes of his fans, a revelation that left them in utter shock and disbelief.

The studio swiftly dropped Rakehorne, and he virtually disappeared from public view for the next decade. However, he returned to acting in a small comedy called 'Hey brother, can you spare me a buck'? It had a modest opening but slowly gained popularity, eventually becoming a popular classic over the next few years and enjoying many reruns in local picture houses.

While Basil Rakehorne never fully reclaimed his former glory in the eyes of the movie-going public, he was gradually forgiven for his shocking outburst that night. His contributions to the film industry were acknowledged, and his encounter with the press became one of legend.

Original is SOLD

Paper print (Matte finish - Signed): 8" X 11" - $30.00

Paper print (Matte finish - Signed): 11W" x 15.5H" - $49.00

Some digital prints may have a slight enhancement from the original illustration, to increase tone and color balance.

Watermark will not be printed on image

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All reproduction prints are scanned and printed using gallery standard, professional equipment and materials. Ensuring the highest quality.

Illustrated in the style of a vintage Edwardian or Victorian photograph. This image is part of my 'Anicurio®' collection. Each original illustration is carefully hand drawn in pencil. Once finished, I hand age and treat them with various dye methods, to resemble an old dusty antique photograph. I want this series to suggest something that was rediscovered by you. An inherited artifact from a mysterious benefactor? Or perhaps revealed in a long abandoned attic, lying at the bottom of a chest. Buried beneath old dusty clothes and fading hand written notes.